Your Collection
Bookmark this page or copy the URL to save your new collection!
You can create your own collections, too! Just click / tap and hold on a swatch for half a second, watch it shrink, and you'll be in collections mode! You can click on any swatch you want to; it will add or remove it from the collection you're actively building (and you can see the number of swatches you have selected on the left). Check out the video below for a quick demonstration of how it works!
You will also automatically enter this view if you are in a collection and click "Modify this collection".
Save your collections by bookmarking the page! Once created, your collections will never expire and will be accessible by the same link. Send it to someone else; they'll be able to see the wonderful colors you've picked out!
Note! These global filters will apply everywhere until you change them again or clear your cookies.
Tip: You can use the search bar to find a specific filament type or manufacturer. The below settings will only show the selected types and manufacturers and will override the search bar and the quick filters.
Dark mode is experimental and may not work perfectly. If you encounter any issues, please let us know.
The matches that we provide are found by calculating the ΔE (CIE) distance and picking the colors that have the smallest distances. For certain situations, it can be useful to know the raw distance from the target color. The closer to 0 the number is, the closer of a match the measured color of the plastic is.
Note: Enabling this will slightly increase the loading time for the site as these values are calculated.
Bookmark this page or copy the URL to save your new collection!
Through donations, I can continue to add filaments to this site and keep it running. It doesn't require much -- just a few dollars every now and then -- so everything beyond what I need for the servers goes towards finding new filaments to add, either ones that I just don't have or ones that are recommended to me.
If you like this site and the service that I provide enough, I ask that you consider a small donation or perhaps subscribing to my Patreon. Everything helps, and I won't bore you with the same spiel you've likely heard a million times; just know that I appreciate the fact that you're even reading this.
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