A spinning swatch loading animation.

About the Librarians


A picture of a man in his early thirties looking at the camera. A black cat is on his shoulder and there is a 3d printer behind them.

A librarian by rite of passage, Joe is a senior software developer by day working in the payments industry for small-to-medium businesses. With too many projects to count, Joe prefers to describe his hobbies under a single umbrella: he likes to make. Music, projects, or messes... the possibilities are endless!

He has launched many projects over the years, though most have not seen the light of day for long. These include, but are not limited to:

Joe handles printing of all the swatches, organizing the filament, and writing the software that powers this website. He also designed (and wrote the software for) the Swatchrig, the photography system that takes the pictures for this site. You can often find him in his "there's a library for everything" shirt at various 3D-printing events around the US.


A picture of a woman in her early thirties looking at the camera. Her reddish hair is neatly coiffed and she's smiling at the camera in front of bookshelves.

The real librarian of this outfit, Ahliah (uh-LEE-uh) received her master's degree in Library Science in 2017. Specializing in adult library services, she thrives in the never-ending puzzle of finding the perfect book for every reader.

In her spare time, she enjoys crochet, baking, hanging out with her cats, and other stereotypical 'librarian' activities. She often posts her projects on Instagram, and can frequently be found drooling over late 1800s fashion.

Ahliah handles indexing new plastics as they arrive, filament organization, metadata, and data management for the site. She is responsible for photographing the swatches as they are finished, measuring them, and uploading for all to see. You can often find her in her "there's a library for everything" shirt at various 3D-printing events around the US.